Apply now to join Monika's private mastermind for women!




Welcome to a space where we evoke transformation and the birthing of a new YOU...


  • Blossom into a new woman

  • Balance masculine and feminine energies

  • Connect with your intuition and authentic truth

  • Manifest what you are calling in

  • Put energy towards things that are fulfilling in your life and...





...To become the best version of Yourself.

"This group is tenderly guided by Monika who inspires us to be brave and loving, and to FEEL more love, and to feel our true selves, our own beautiful nature. This mastermind group is a haven of empowerment and compassion, a sanctuary that has elevated me in ways that make me feel more alive."

- Briana O. | Kansas

Along the way, you will experience EXPANSION & CONTRACTION...

In this Mastermind we aren't scared by our contractions …

We lean into the opportunities presented to us to grow. This is not a space where shame and blame exist. This is an invitation to rise out of societal conditioning that has influenced us to play small, to hide, and to limit our unique and beautiful radiance.

Dear one, it is time to embrace the fullness of who you are and transform what has kept you small and silent.

You are going to be stretched to your edges so you can remember your precious gifts and your innate wisdom.

You are not alone precious one, together the journey is that much sweeter. Here we grow, we learn, we play, and we shine as lighthouses for the world around us.

Its time to EVOLVE.


For nearly two decades, Monika has been a support for women on their journey of self-discovery and empowerment. With a heart of kindness and a mind of wisdom, she's devoted to illuminating the strength, clarity, and extraordinary gifts within each woman. Through her nurturing guidance, your self-doubt and limitations dissolve, paving the way for YOU to truly flourish.

Holistic Leadership Training

  • Heart

  • Family

  • Mind

  • Energy

  • Body

  • Money

This nurturing space encompasses a variety of topics designed to honor and empower your Soul's growth:

Embodied Wisdom:

~ Weaving dreams into tangible, soul-nurturing goals

Soulful Pathways:

~ Unveiling the leader within, guided by heart-centered values

Sacred Nourishment:

~ Nurturing the mind's garden with positive seeds of thought

Abundant Flow:

~ Understanding the dance of finances and prosperity

~ Negotiating life's terms from a place of innate worth

Radiant Authenticity:

~ Speaking your truth through potent communication

Creative Expression:

~ Unleashing the muse within, activating your inner artist

Spiritual Entrepreneurship:

~ Birthing soul-aligned ventures, breathing life into your dreams

The EVOLVE Mastermind


  • 2 Immersive Coaching Sessions per month (90 minutes) 

  • Ongoing Coaching Via mastermind community group channel

  • Classes are recorded if you aren't on live

  • Custom Resources and Worksheets

  • Exclusive Private Invitations to participate in guest events (Breathwork, Sound Baths, Ecstatic Dance, etc..)


"I was originally drawn to join Evolve Mastermind because Monika stood out to me as such a beautiful soul that would be able guide me from a powerful entrepreneurial, business stand point- to help grow my business and expand on new business ideas, and also from a beautiful spiritual stand point. To dive deeper into the journey I am on of self love, self awareness, and tapping more into my power and purpose."

- Dominique O. | Kansas

"Monika is a wealth of knowledge, experience, and so nurturing. The Evolve Mastermind has has helped me so much in how to go through with hard, tough times, relationships, feelings, how to process emotions and see what’s actually underneath, bring it on the surface and how to heal from that experience."

-Shehnaz P. | Dallas, TX